Indian Baby Boys Names Start with J

We have collected a list of Indian baby boy names for new born baby. To find Indian baby boy names is the most critical and important task for parents because baby boys names will be used for whole life not for single day. Indian Hindu people believe that if you select positive Hindu baby boy names then it will be significant for baby and if you select an Indian baby name with negative meaning then it will bring problem in future. Not only baby name is important but its meaning is also important that why we have created a numbers of name list with meaning. Here we have listed Hindu baby boy names.
Hindu Baby Boy Names

Hindu Baby boy Names start with J

Jag  the universe
Jagadeep  light of the world
Jagadish/Jagdish lord of the universe
Jagajeet  conqueror of the world
Jagan  universe
Jagannath Lord Vishnu
Jagat the universe
Jalendu  moon in the water
Janak  father of Sita
Janardan  one who helps people, Vishnu
Janu  soul/ life force
Japa chanting
Japendra lord of chants - Lord Shiva
Jaswant  victorious (Yashwant)
Jatan  nurturing
Jatin  pertaining to a saint
Jawahar  gem
Jaya  victory
Jayadev  god of victory
Jayant/Jayanta  victorious
Jayesh  victor
Jeevan  life
Jishnu  Arjuna
Jitendra/Jiten  lord of conquerers
Jiwan/Jivan  life
Jyoti  light/flame
Jyotindra  lord of life

Hindu Baby boy Names start with J