Christian Baby Girl names starting with E

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EaddaWealthy; successful
EadmundA form of edmunda
EadwineA form of edwina
EarnestynaA form of ernestina
EarwynA form of erwina
EarwynaA form of erwina
EasterEaster time
EastonA wholesome woman
EathelinNoble waterfall
EathelynNoble waterfall
EbbonyA dark beauty
EboniA dark beauty
EboniiA dark beauty
EbonyA dark beauty
EddenDelightful , adornment
EddithRich gift
EdelburgaNoble protector
EdelineNoble; kind
EdevaExpensive present
EdieA familiar form of edith
EdilburgaNoble protector
EdinaProsperous fort
EdithRich gift
EdlenNoble waterfall
EdlynProsperous; noble
EdmandaA form of edmunda
EdmundaProsperous protector
EdnaPleasure, delight
EdreaA short form of edrice, edrianna
EdriceProsperous ruler
EduardaA form of edwardina
EduardoA form of edwardina
EdwardinaProsperous quardian
EdwinaProsperous friend
EffieA short form of alfreda
EfrainOne who is fertile ; productive
EfrosiniA fawn or a bird
EgbertaBright sword
EgbertinaA form of egberta
EgbertineA form of egberta
EgbertyneA form of egberta
EilaThe earth
EileenA bird- like woman
EilisCeltic god’s oath
ElaCardamon tree
ElaineThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElainnaThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElbertaA form of alberta
EldridaWise counselor
EleanorThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElennaThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
EleoraThe lord is my light
ElettaElf; mischievous
EliaForm of elijah
ElianaA feminine form of elisha
EliannaGod has answered
ElinaWoman with intelligence
ElioraGod is my light
ElisaA short form of elizabeth
ElisabethGod’s oath
EliseA short form of elizabeth, elysia
ElishaMy god is salvation
ElissaA form of elizabeth
ElissabethMy god is bountiful ; god
ElisshaGod is my salvation
ElizaMy god is a vow
ElizabetMy god is a vow
ElizabethMy god is a vow
ElizavetaA form of elizabeth
ElizzaMy god is bountiful ; god
EllaElfin; beautiful fairy-woman
EllainaThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
EllaineThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElleFrom a foreign land
ElleanorThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
EllenA form of eleanor or helen
EllenaThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElleniThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
ElliA short form of eleanor
EllianaGod has answered me
ElliannA spirited man
ElliannaA shining and gracious woman
ElliceA form of elise
EllieShort form of eleanor
EllinaThe shining light ; in mythology , helen was the most beautiful woman in the world
EllisaA short form of elizabeth
EllishaGod is my salvation
EllisonChild of ellis
EllissaMy god is bountiful ; god
EllizaMy god is bountiful ; god
EllizabethMy god is bountiful ; god
EllsaMy god is bountiful ; god
EllsieConsecrated to god
EllyA short form of eleanor
EllynA form of ellen
EllysiaSweetly blissful
ElodieA form of alodie
ElsaRescued by percival
ElseConcecrated to god
ElsieMy god is a vow
ElspethConsecrated to god
ElviaA form of elva
ElvieA form of elva
ElvinaA form of alvina
ElysaA form of elisa
ElyseA form of elise
ElysiaSweetly blissful
ElyssaA form of elissa
ElyssiaSweetly blissful
EmanuelaGod is with us
EmberA low- burning fire
EmeraldGreen gemstone
EmersonSon of emery
EmilOne who is eager ; an industrious man
EmileeA form of emily
EmileighA form of emily
EmileyA form of emily
EmiliA form of emily
EmilieA form of emily
EmilieeAn industrious and hardworking woman
EmilliaAn industrious and hardworking woman
EmillieAn industrious and hardworking woman
EmillyA form of emily
EmmaSignifies universal
EmmanulleGod is with everybody
EmmersonIndustrious ruler
EmmeryHome strength/ruler
EmmiliaAn industrious and hardworking woman
EmmilieAn industrious and hardworking woman
EmmilyA form of emily
EmmyOne who is complete ; a universal woman
EndoraFountain erelah – holy messenger
EnriqueThe ruler of the estate
EppieA familiar form of euphemia
EricaFeminine derivative of Eric; Meaning – Brave ruler, Ever powerful
EriccaFeminine derivative of Eric; Meaning – Ever powerful, Brave Ruler
ErichBrave ruler, Ever powerful
ErickaA form of Eric; Meaning: Ever powerful, Brave Ruler
ErikEternal ruler
ErikaEver the ruler
ErikkaEver the ruler
ErinWoman from ireland
ErinnWoman from ireland
ErnaA short form of ernestine
ErnestinaA form of ernestine
ErnestineEarnest, sincere
ErricaEver the ruler
ErrikaEver the ruler
ErrinWoman from ireland
ErrynOne who is exalted ; from the mountain of strength
ErwinaSea friend
ErwynaSea friend
ErynFrom ireland
ErynnWoman from ireland
ErzsebetDevoted to god
EssenceA perfumed woman
EssieA short form of estelle, esther
EstebanOne who is crowned in victory
EsteeA short form of estelle, esther
EsterFrom the name esther
EtanaDedication, strength
EtelburgaA form of edelburga
EttaA short form of henrietta
EugeneA well- born man
EugeniaA well- born woman
EuniceJoyous; triumphant
EvangelineGood tidings
EvannGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles
Eve MarieA combination of eve & marie
EveeGiver of life ; a lively woman
EvelinA form of evelyn
EvelinaA form of evelyn
EvelineA form of evelyn
EvelinnA bird- like woman
EvellynA bird- like woman
EvelyneA form of evelyn
EvelynnA bird- like woman
EverettStrong as a wild boar
EvlineA form of evelyn
EvvaGiver of life ; a lively woman
EvvieGiver of life ; a lively woman

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