Name | Meaning |
Raaina | A queenly woman |
Raaya | A beloved friend |
Rachael | Innocent lamb |
Rachell | The innocent lamb ; in the bible , jacob |
Rachelle | Ewe |
Racquel | The innocent lamb ; in the bible , jacob |
Racquell | The innocent lamb ; in the bible , jacob |
Rae | A wise protector |
Raegan | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Raegann | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Raeven | A form of raven |
Rafael | God has healed |
Ragine | A form of regina |
Raina | A queenly woman |
Rainbow | Rainbow |
Rainelle | A combination of raina & elle |
Rainna | A queenly woman |
Raizel | Rose |
Ramiro | A famous counselor ; a great judge |
Ramona | Wisely |
Randee | A familiar form of miranda |
Randi | Familiar forms of miranda and randall |
Randie | A familiar form of miranda |
Randolph | The wolf shield |
Ranit | Song |
Raphaela | Divine healer |
Raphaella | Healed by god rayna – pure, clean |
Raquel | The innocent lamb ; in the bible , jacob |
Raquell | The innocent lamb ; in the bible , jacob |
Raveen | A form of raven |
Raveena | A form of raven |
Ravin | A form of raven |
Ravyn | A form of raven |
Raymond | A wise protector |
Rayna | One who is pure / one who provides wise counsel |
Rayne | Queen |
Raynee | One who is pure / one who provides wise counsel |
Raynna | One who is pure / one who provides wise counsel |
Raynne | One who is pure / one who provides wise counsel |
Rayshawn | Born during the daylight |
Rayven | A form of raven |
Reagan | Little king |
Reagann | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Reanna | An alternate form of raine |
Reba | From the name rebecca |
Rebbeca | Bound |
Rebbecca | Bound |
Rebeca | To tie |
Rebecaa | Bound |
Rebecal | Tied; bound |
Rebecca | To tie |
Rebekah | To tie |
Rebekkah | To tie |
Reece | Enthusiasm |
Reed | Redheaded |
Reegan | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Reena | Peace ; joyous song rimona – pomegranate |
Reese | Enthusiasm |
Regan | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Regann | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Reggan | Born into royalty ; the little ruler |
Reggina | A queenly woman |
Regina | King’s advisor |
Reginald | The king |
Reginna | A queenly woman |
Reid | A red- haired man ; one who lives near the reeds |
Reilly | An outgoing man |
Reina | Pure ; clean |
Reinna | A queen |
Remmington | From the town of the raven |
Ren | Reborn |
Rena | Peace; joyous song rimona – pomegranate |
Renae | Reborn |
Renaee | One who has been reborn |
Renee | Reborn |
Renita | Reborn |
Renitta | A rebel |
Renn | Resembling a water lily |
Renna | Peace ; joyous song rimona – pomegranate |
Rennae | One who has been reborn |
Rennie | A familiar form of renata |
Reyna | Pure ; clean |
Reynaldo | Ruler with counsel |
Rhea | Of the flowing stream ; in mythology , the wife of cronus and mother of gods and goddesses |
Rheanna | The great and sacred queen |
Rhett | Advice |
Rhianna | Nymph |
Rhiannon | The great and sacred queen |
Rhonda | Wielding a good spear |
Rhondda | Wielding a good spear |
Rhys | Having great enthusiasm for life |
Ria | From the river |
Rianna | The little ruler ; little king |
Ricardo | Rich and powerful ruler |
Richelle | Brave ruler |
Rickki | A powerful ruler |
Rico | Rich and powerful ruler |
Rigoberto | Bright wealth |
Rihanna | Sweet basil |
Riley | From the rye clearing ; a courageous woman |
Rilley | From the rye clearing ; a courageous woman |
Rina | A short form of names ending in rina |
Rio | From the river |
Rishona | First |
Ritta | Precious pearl |
River | From the river |
Rivka | Servant of god |
Roann | Of the red- berry tree |
Robbi | A familiar form of roberta |
Robbyn | Variation: robin |
Roberta | Bright fame |
Roberto | Bright fame |
Robertta | One who is bright with fame |
Robinette | A familiar form of robin |
Robinn | A small bird |
Robyn | Bright fame |
Robynn | A form of robin |
Rocco | To rest |
Rochelle | From the little rock |
Roderick | A famous ruler |
Rodney | From the famous one |
Rodolfo | A famous wolf |
Rodrick | Famous ruler |
Rodrigo | Famous ruler |
Rogelio | A famous soldier |
Roisin | Little rose |
Roland | From the renowned land |
Rolando | Famous country |
Rolland | From the renowned land |
Roman | Roman |
Ron | Ruler with counsel |
Ronalda | King’s advisor |
Ronda | Grand |
Ronin | Little seal |
Ronli | Joy is mine |
Ronnda | Wielding a good spear |
Ronni | From ronli – joyful |
Ronnie | Displaying her true image |
Ronny | Ruler with counsel |
Roosevelt | From the field of roses |
Rory | A red-haired man |
Ros | A short form of rosalind |
Rosa | Resembling the beautiful and meanful flower |
Rosalee | A form of rosalind |
Rosalia | A form of rosalind |
Rosalie | A form of rosalind |
Rosalinda | Weak |
Rosalyn | Weak |
Rosalynn | Variation: rosaline |
Rosamaria | A form of rose marie |
Rosana | A combination of rose & anna |
Rosanna | A combination of rose & anna |
Rosanne | A combination of rose & ann |
Rosaria | Rosary |
Rosario | Rosary |
Rose Marie | A combination of rose & marie |
Roseann | A combination of rose & ann |
Roseanna | A combination of rose & anna |
Roseanne | A combination of rose and ann |
Roselyn | Weak |
Roselynn | Haired |
Rosemarie | A combination of rose & marie |
Rosemarry | The dew of the sea / resembling a bitter rose |
Rosemary | A combination of rose and mary |
Rosie | A familiar form of rosalind |
Rosina | A familiar form of rose |
Rossalyn | Promontory |
Rosse | Resembling the beautiful and meanful flower |
Rosselyn | Haired |
Rossie | Resembling the beautiful and meanful flower |
Rosy | Deep pink |
Rouble | Money |
Rowann | Of the red- berry tree |
Rowena | Famous friend |
Roxana | Star ; bright ; dawn |
Roxanna | Star ; bright ; dawn |
Roxanne | Star ; bright ; dawn |
Roy | A red-haired man / a king |
Roya | A short form of royanna |
Royale | Royal |
Royanna | Queenly; royal |
Roz | A short form of rosalind |
Rubby | Reddish |
Rubi | Red |
Ruddy | Ruddy colored |
Rudolph | A famous wolf |
Ruel | Path |
Rufus | A red-haired man |
Rumer | Gypsy |
Russel | Little red one |
Russell | A little red-haired boy |
Rusti | Redhead |
Rusty | One who has red hair or a ruddy complexion |
Ruth | Companionship |
Ryann | The little ruler ; little king |
Ryder | An accomplished horsewoman |
Rylann | Land where rye is grown |
Rylee | Rye clearing |
Rylie | Rye clearing |
Ryliee | From the rye clearing |
Ryllie | From the rye clearing |