Indian Baby Girl Names Start with M

We have collected a list of Indian baby girl names for new born baby. To find Indian baby girl names is the most critical and important task for parents because baby girl names will be used for whole life not for single day. Indian Hindu people believe that if you select positive Hindu baby girl names then it will be significant for baby and if you select an Indian baby name with negative meaning then it will bring problem in future. Not only baby name is important but its meaning is also important that why we have created a numbers of name list with meaning. Here we have listed Hindu baby girl names.
Hindu Baby Girl Names

Hindu Baby Girl Names start with M

Maanika/Manika  ruby
Madhavi  a creeper with beautiful flowers; springtime
Madhu  honey
Madhubala  sweet girl
Madhul  sweet
Madhulata  lovely creeper
Madhumati  full of honey
Madhumita  full of honey
Madhur  sweet
Madhuri/Maadhuree  sweetness, melodious
Madhurima  sweetness
Madhushri  the spring
Magana  engrossed
Mahi  the earth
Mahika/Mahita  earth
Mahima glorious
Maina  singing bird
Maitreyi  name of a woman scholar
Maiya  little girl
Mala  necklace, garland
Malati  Jasmine
Malavika  princess of Malawa
Maliha  strong, beautiful
Malika/Mallika  flower, queen
Malina  dark
Malini  florist, a river
Mamata  affection
Manasa,Maanasa  mind
Manasi  goddess of learning, product of the mind
Mandakini  a river
Mandara  mythical tree
Mandeep  light of heart
Mandira  cymbals; home
Maneeshi/Manishi  wise
Mangala/Mangalaa  auspicious, bliss
Manika  ruby, jewel
Manisha  sharp intellect, genius
Manjari  Tulasi; blossom
Manjira  ankle-bells
Manju  pleasant, sweet
Manjula  melodious, sweetness
Manjulika  a sweet girl
Manjusha lady with a sweet voice, a box
Manjushri/Manjushree  Goddess, Saraswati
Manorama  attractive, beautiful
Manushri/Manushi Lakshmi
Marisa  mother of Daksa
Matrika  mother, name of goddess
Mausam  season
Mausami  seasonal
Maya illusion, Durga
Mayuri  peahen
Medha  intelligence, Saraswati
Medhaavi  wise
Medini  the earth
Meena/Mina  precious blue stone
Meenakshi  one with fish shaped eyes, Parvati
Meera/Mira  a saint, devotee of Lord Krishna
Megha  cloud
Meghana  cloud
Meha  rain
Mehal  cloud
Mela  religious gathering
Menaka  celestial damsel
Minal  a precious stone
Mita  a friend
Mohana  attractive, charming
Mohini  most beautiful
Mohita  attracted
Monal  bird
Moti  pearl
Mridu  gentle
Mridula  tendreness
Mrinal  lotus
Mrinalini  stem of lotus
Mudita  happy
Mudrika  ring
Mugdha  spellbound
Mukta  liberated; pearl
Mukti  freedom from life and death
Muna  bud
Muneera/Munira  illuminating; shedding light

Hindu Baby Girl Names start with M