Indian Baby Girl Names Start with N

We have collected a list of Indian baby girl names for new born baby. To find Indian baby girl names is the most critical and important task for parents because baby girl names will be used for whole life not for single day. Indian Hindu people believe that if you select positive Hindu baby girl names then it will be significant for baby and if you select an Indian baby name with negative meaning then it will bring problem in future. Not only baby name is important but its meaning is also important that why we have created a numbers of name list with meaning. Here we have listed Hindu baby girl names.
Hindu Baby Girl Names

Hindu Baby Girl Names start with N

Nagina  jewel
Naina/Nayana  eyes
Nalika  lotus, pipe
Nalini/Nalinee  lotus
Namita  humble
Namrata  politeness, modesty
Nanda  happiness, a daughter
Nanda a happiness, joyful
Nandana  daughter
Nandi  the sacred cow, Shiva's vehicle
Nandika  Lakshmi
Nandini/Nandinee  bestower of joy, Ganga
Nandita  cheerful, happy
Narayani  Goddess Lakshmi
Narmada/Narbada  same as Gayatri , river Narmada
Nashita  energetic and full of life
Navaneeta/Navanita  new rule
Naveena/Navina  new
Nayan/a  eyes
Nayantara iris
Neeharika/Niharika  dew drops
Neela/Nila  blue
Neelam/Nilam  sapphire
Neelanjana  blue
Neelimaa/Nilima  blue complexioned
Neeraja/Niraja  lotus, Goddess Lakshmi
Neeta/Nita  within rules
Neeti/Niti  moral philosophy
Neha love, rain
Nehal  rainy; handsome
Nidhi  same as Gayatri, treasuire
Niharika  dew, nebula
Nikhita  the earth
Nilasha  blueness
Nilaya  home
Nileen  surrendered
Nilima  blueness
Nimisha  momentary
Niranjana  name of a river; Goddess Durga; the night of the full moon
Nirmala  clean, virtuous
Nirmayi  without blemish
Nirupa  same as Gayatri
Nirupama  unique, uncomparable
Nirvana  deep silence, ultimate bliss
Nischita  certainty
Nisha  night
Nishita  alert
Nishtha  faith, devotion
Nita  moral
Niti  morality
Nitu  short form of any name starting with "Nit…"
Nivedita  one dedicated to service
Nivriti becoming liberated
Nutan  new

Hindu Baby Girl Names start with N